We help you Be You from Kilkivan
Our Kilkivan Clinic is located at 2 Cave Street, in the Community Health Centre near the corner of Cave Street and Hill Street. Our Kilkivan Clinic is conveniently located for people in Kilkivan, Woolooga, Black Snake, Tansey and Goomeri.
From our Kilkivan Clinic we offer all our Physiotherapy services.
Working from the Community Health Centre, with private treatment rooms, ramp access and onsite parking, our Kilkivan Clinic is an ideal location from which to provide our physiotherapy services.
We visit Kilkivan the first Thursday and Friday of every month.
Our Kilkivan clinic Bulk Bills Medicare and has HICAPS facilities on site for on the spot health fund claims. EFTPOS and credit card facilities are also available for payment.
We want to help you Be You.
If You is playing with your children or your grandchildren. If You is playing sport, going to the gym, running, surfing, or going for walks on the weekend. If you is playing with the dog, keeping your garden looking tip top or travelling overseas. Whatever You looks like, we are here to help you Be You.